ffla-sandiego.org - FFLA-SDRC

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Forest Fire Lookout Association

The  San Diego-Riverside Chapter  (FFLA-SDRC) was organized in 2008 as a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to restoring, maintaining and staffing historic fire lookouts in San Diego and Riverside Counties in Southern California. The FFLA-SDRC began staffing the High Point tower with volunteers for fixed-point fire detection in 2009 and Boucher Hill in 2012. Both achieved a goal of 100% staffing during the 2014 fire season. FFLA-SDRC has achieved that same 100% fire season staffing for every year si

High Point Lookout Tower, located on the highest point on Palomar Mountain, located within the Cleveland National Forest, has been restored and returned to active service. It provides visual fire detection from the Northeast portion of San Diego County, to the deserts, across Riverside county, up into the San Bernardino and San Jacinto mountains and continuing all the way to the coast

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