fewerdiapers.com - Fewer Diapers | One fathers guide to infant potty training

Description: How to potty train your baby. One fathers experience with elimination communication and infant potty training. Tips and tricks and other ideas for getting poops in the potty.

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I am a father of 3 children and I would like to share with you what I learned on my journey of infant potty training. Infant potty training is also known as elimination communication (or EC for short), and refers to various methods to setup routines and use cues in your child's behaviors to encourage toilet use instead of soiled diapers.

I created this site as a resource to help new parents get started with infant potty training. This is not a common practice in the US, and so I hope by sharing my story, I can encourage more parents to try to implement some level of infant potty training. I am a strong advocate because it can help you develop an early bond as you enable your child to take care of their needs, and helps the parents by reducing the dirty diapers around the house.

It was a different experience and process with each child as we learned more and refined our techniques. Here is what I've learned.

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