fettermanevents.com - Fetterman Events

Description: Fetterman Events is the second largest Chiropractic Organization in the U.S. We provide high quality continuing education programs across the country on a variety of topics with well known and expert instructors Our seminars are purely educational...no 'fluff'

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Fetterman Events is the second largest Chiropractic Organization in the U.S.  We provide high quality continuing education programs across the country on a variety of topics with well known and expert instructors presenting programs that the majority of chiropractors want to learn more about and that will give you the tools to use in your practice the next day.  We also provide current research and materials to help in your practice and treatment.    Our seminars are purely educational...no 'fluff' seminars

NO SEMINAR WILL EVER BE CANCELLED!   Whether 1 Doctor Attends....or 100... we will still hold the class!  Once a seminar is scheduled - you can count on it taking place!

Fetterman Events is the one of the largest Chiropractic Organizations in the U.S.