fetesdupastel.com - 华体会体育(中国)有限公司官网

Description: [点击进入】华体会体育(中国)有限公司官网是一家集拼装益智玩具的开发、生产和销售的经营实体。公司拥有一批产品开发和设计的专业技术人员、先进的模具制作设备和规模化生产设备、专业高效创新的管理团队。公司一直致力于研发儿童益智玩具产品,以拼装积木玩具为主导产品。不断提高产品的质量档次和丰富产品款式,突出产品的趣味性、系列性和多样化 。

华体会体育官网 (159)

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Chongqing Yuxin Pingrui Electronic Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003, registered in Hangu Town, Jiulongpo District, Chongqing, with a registered capital of 55.03 million yuan. The company is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in the R & D and production of electronic controller components for general motors. Its main products include general motors igniter, magneto, converter, voltage regulator, sensor, relay, flywheel, etc. at the same time, in response to the national development call, the company b

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