festivaloflearning.ca - Connect Fest

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Thank you to everyone involved in this year’s festival. Whether you hosted an event, were thick in the logistics, or just came to an activity or two, thank you for being a part of exploring belonging with us!

Every year, the Burnaby Festival of Learning brings a multiplicity of experiences, cultures, voices, and abilities, together in an open and accessible way. We gathered to learn about climate advocacy, made challah and dumplings, and dialogued about important issues, harnessing our curiosity and care for the world and each other as we did so. This year’s festival truly gave us a magical space to share knowledge with new friends and neighbours from all walks of life.

But it’s not really the festival that makes this happen, it’s you – the Burnaby community. Thank you. Whether it’s at next year’s festival or some event just around the corner, we look forward to seeing you again soon!

Links to festivaloflearning.ca (3)