fellowhacker.github.io - Fellowhacker's Blog @fellowhacker

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Hyy I'm Naveen Manikanta Kodigudla an open source enthusiast from Visakhapatnam, India. I have a passion for web design and love to create for web and mobile devices.I enjoy contributing to open source and explore new algorithms.

Hyy I'm Naveen Manikanta Kodigudla an open source enthusiast from Visakhapatnam, India. I have a passion for web design and love to create for web and mobile devices.I enjoy contributing to open source and explore new algorithms. I love playing with API's you can see one of my projects made using Youtube v3's API.

I'm doing my B.Tech 2nd year in Electronics And Communication Engineering at IIIT,ALLAHABAD. I love playing Volleyball, travelling and reading novels(CRIME FICTION).