feedbusiness.com - Feed Business

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The Farm and Feed Network created FeedBusiness.com to be its product development and supply business for farm and feed stores, feed stores, farm elevators, agriculture schools, agrihoods, e-commerce platforms and more.

Feed manufacturers are an essential component in adding value to the production and supply of America’s raw materials for conversion into stock feed which commercial livestock owners use to produce higher value meat, milk, eggs and wool. The stock feed industry also provides hobby farmers, backyard and leisure livestock owners with high quality and reliable feeds for their animals. There are 5,800+ animal food manufacturing facilities in the U.S. producing more than 284 million tons of finished feed and pet

In the 1800s, entrepreneurs and inventors in the flour milling, brewing and sugar milling industries began wading into animal nutrition, developing food and beverage processing systems and new ways to use byproducts in feed. As the science of animal nutrition evolved, soon, state regulatory agencies began to take note of this burgeoning industry. In 1906, Congress enacted the landmark Federal Pure Food and Drug Act, which gave federal officials the authority over feeds shipped in interstate commerce. Realiz

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