fazenda-ipiranga.com - Start | Fazenda Ipiranga, Guaranesia, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Description: Fazenda Ipiranga ist ein specialty Kaffeeproduzent aus der Region Sul de Minas in Brasilien. Die Farm befindet sich in der Gegend von Guaxupé & Guaranesia. Wir fördern den direkten Handel und einen nachhaltigen Ansatz bei allen Schritten vom Anbau bis zum Geschmack in der Tasse.

qualität (2272) die sie verdienen (35) zu preisen (27) die sie mögen werden (22)

Example domain paragraphs

Fazenda Ipiranga builds on 150 years coffee experience. The long tradition combined with modern farming techniques and a dedicated team, result into our high quality and sustainable specialty coffee beans.

In the early 1990s, when our family took over the prestigious coffee farm, it was known as one of the largest employers in the Guaranésia region. To further improve the agricultural practices and the coffee quality, we started to convert the traditional coffee plantation of Ipiranga into sustainable, ecological farming. It started with a simple passion for authentic coffee and the desire to provide a better future for our children. This evolved into Fazenda Ipiranga as we know it today, one of the most futu

For three decades we have been producing our own coffee in the south of Minas Gerais, one of the best coffee regions in Brazil. At the family' own fazenda, where coffee has been cultivated since 1875, we have maintained the natural, Brazilian way of cultivation. The same care is taken in the traditional drying process, which we handle with patience and attention to detail.