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Toggle navigation Home About Coding Blog Learning to Code at Flatiron School Explaining the Object Oriented Hate Assuming I am not the only one who googles randomly about programming paradigms, many have seen the intense hate Functional developers seem to hold for Object Oriented programming. Before continuing, I would like to share two very important facts. Probably the most famous quote used by Functional developers describing OOP was “You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana

Posted by fattyduck on April 18, 2017

I remember my first day of learning React.js: learning about Components, their properties and state. I had a task to create a button where onClick will update state. Without any knowledge, I naively typed this.state.key = updatedKey and expected that to work. I found that nothing was changed and it was then I had to ask my AMAA (Ask Me Anytime) coding mentor: Google how to update this.state (and yes I was too dumb to read the documentation). Surprisingly, the first link I found taught me to add a forceUpdat