- Fantasy World Exeter

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There’s nothing more that winds me up then a cheating scumbag of a partner. I’ve had my heart broken many a time in that same way so when I see those awful people get their comeuppance it makes me very happy inside. Personally I really don’t understand how people can live their lives hurting others that they supposedly care about. The girls are at London escort and I discuss cheating very often. Some of our clients at cheap escorts in London actually hire us knowing that they have significant others waiting

One evening once we finished our shift at London escorts the girls and I went for a drink and just had a general chitchat. We shared funny stories about ex-boyfriend and their stupid habits and why we ended up leaving them and some of us even shared some very naughty stories about how we got revenge on our exes that cheated on us. One of the girls at London escorts admitted to us that she deliberately pet rats in her boyfriends car overnight and shut the windows. The rats eight through all of his expenses l

My funny story is that when I found out my ex was cheating on me  I actually took a picture of him kissing the other woman and posted it on social media. The weirdest thing was that many girls recognised him and actually responded to my post. They told me that he had also done the same thing to them and some of them even currently dating him. So what we decided to do was invite him round to our house and have all of the women that he had done wrong sit him down in an intervention. You should’ve seen his fac