- FAN International – 13C and H2 breath test devices for Helicobacter pylori, gastric emptying, Lactose intolerance

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Home Product Overview H2 breath monitor LactoFAN2 H2 test accessories H2 software products H.pylori tester FANhp 13C breath test device HeliFANplus 13C sample feeder FANas 13C breath analyzer FANci2-var 13C test consumables FAQ H2 monitor LactoFAN2 video 13C breath sample taking Distributors Contact form Imprint Privacy Statement We make breath test devices

We develop, manufacture and distribute 13 C and H 2 breath test devices at our site in Leipzig, Germany. PDF broschure

13/12 CO 2 breath test devices of Fischer ANalysen Instrumente GmbH are real alternatives to expensive mass spectroscopy methods – for all investigations where  13 C tracers are broken down in organism and expelled by respiration.