falundafa-br.org - Falun Dafa - Brasil

Description: Falun Dafa ' uma pr'tica que tem melhorado a s'ude e trazido paz interior ' milh'es de pessoas em todo o mundo. Baseada nos princ'pios fundamentais: verdade, benevol'ncia e toler'ncia, Falun Dafa consiste de cinco exerc'cios suaves e dos ensinamentos contidos no livro Zhuan Falun, escrito pelo fundador do Falun Dafa, Mr. Li Hongzhi

china (5119) qigong (1026) buda (151) falun (73) falun gong (44) falun dafa (38) zhuan falun (3) medita''o (1) ilumina''o (1) sa'de (1)

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The literal translation for both terms is “Dharma Wheel Practice”. They describe a spiritual order originating in China, which focuses on both the psyche and the physical form. The practice is a combination of meditation, an exercise called “qigong”, which aligns the body, breath and mind as well as martial arts. The moral philosophy behind the discipline focuses on the principles of being truthful, compassionate and showing forbearance.

The key focuses of this practice draw on morality and virtue and the qigong element is partly Buddhist but it also uses principles of the Taoist customs. Practicing righteousness and meditation, Falun Gong members seek improved health and most of all, spiritual enlightenment.

Li Hongzhi was the first person to teach Falun Gong in public in 1992 in the Northeast of China. It became popular towards the “qigong boom’ ending, which was a period of time where many similar practices were taught, which included many of the same elements such as meditation, focus on slow and regular breathing as well as exercises carried out in slow-motion. Qigong groups in general are different as they have fees and memberships, a daily ritual of worshipping and focuses on strict morals and theology in