facesofsepsis.com - Faces of Sepsis | Sepsis Alliance

Description: The stories here have been shared by sepsis survivors and by those who loved them. The goal is to educate the public about sepsis and...

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Have you been touched by sepsis? Whether you are a sepsis survivor, a caregiver, or you’ve lost someone to the condition, your experience can help spread sepsis awareness and provide support to those in need.

Faces of Sepsis™ stories allow those affected by sepsis to share their experiences of illness, treatment, recovery, and loss. The collected stories aim to capture the diversity of people who had sepsis—some describe a quick recovery while others cover the long-term effects of post-sepsis syndrome (PSS). Each experience is different, but all Faces of Sepsis stories play a vital role. They help those who have been impacted by sepsis learn that they are not alone.