fabryz.com - Fabrizio Codello - Web Developer

Description: I'm Fabryz a Backend Developer from Treviso, Italy. I like realtime web applications, PC gaming, Virtual Reality, and hard science fiction.

web developer (4526) node.js (552) realtime (325) backend developer (120) fabrizio codello

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Hi, I'm Fabryz a Backend Developer from Treviso, Italy. 🇮🇹 I like realtime web applications, AI (image generation, GPT-3), PC gaming, Virtual Reality, and hard science fiction . The current technology I'm very curious about is ChatGPT . I'm one of those kinds of web developers that never updates their own website 😛 So, please, check out my social network accounts to know me more or get in touch:

© 2011-2023 Fabrizio Codello

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