fabien.info - Fabien Gandon - Homepage

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📰 µCV: Senior Researcher and Research Director at Inria , Ph.D. and Habilitation (HDR) in Informatics and Computer Science Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web, Linked Data, Ontologies Leader of the Wimmics research team joint between Inria , Université Côte d’Azur , CNRS , I3S Professor since 2015 and co-president of the Scientific Board since 2022 at the Data ScienceTech Institute (DSTI) Holder of a 3IA Chair at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence

💬 Quote:"He who controls metadata controls the web and, through the Web, many things of our world." - @fabien_gandon

📌 You are here: http://fabien.info Research Director Senior Researcher at the French Institute Inria