fabianschroebel.de - Fabian Schröbel – Product Design

Description: Design-portfolio of Fabian Schröbel

design (76251) webdesign (23441) corporate design (2819) interaction design (850) hfg schwäbisch gmünd (5) schröbel (4)

Example domain paragraphs

I work as UX Design Director at Kaiser X Labs in Munich. I studied Communication Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and Tongji University in Shanghai. You can contact me via Twitter , Mail , LinkedIn or Xing .

The website “mosaik” imparts the basic principles of HTML and CSS interactively and the design possibilities can be explored through trial and error. Aim of “mosaik” is to expand the skills of design students in the field of interaction- and webdesign. With this knowledge they are able to communicate their designs in an professional and confident way to programmers in their later jobs. How “mosaik” could be used you can watch in our Vimeo-Video .

I work as UX Designer at Helsing in Munich. I studied Interaction & Visual Design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and Tongji University in Shanghai. You can contact me via Twitter , Mail or LinkedIn .