fabianfier.de - #hoopla

Example domain paragraphs

In a query filtering a boolean field named deactivated I wondered why deactivated <> 1 does not yield the same results as (deactivated IS NULL OR deactivated=0) . I found that the MariaDB syntax involving booleans is very crude: deactivated IS NOT true does the correct thing, while the = and <> operators can lead to unexpected results. Not very intuitive.

Yes, I know. 2022 vs. Drupal 7 and HTML mails: yikes. Sometimes you can't decide.

I need to send messages as HTML mails programmatically. I already use mime mail, previewable e-mail templates, and smtp. First of all, I found that it is necessary to configure the "Plain text body" in the templates in order to have e-mails sent out via a transactional e-mail provider. I don't understand why, because it works fine locally on mailhog without (plain text message is automatically created), but anyways. This link https://www.drupal.org/docs/7/modules/mime-mail/theming-html-mail-sent-through-mim