f-lohmueller.de - Homepage of Andrea and Friedrich Lohmueller - POV-Ray, raytracing, fractals, animations, photography, drawings, paintings, compu

Description: galleries of 3D computer graphics, drawings, paintings and photography created by Andrea and Friedrich Lohmueller. Printed Posters available! Raytracing art from abstract, photorealism, surrealism to architecture and technics. povray raytracing tutorial with samples and tips, fractals, photos of cacti, flowers, botany, plants, Spain, Costa Blanca, Sardinia, cats, Model Railroading, Railway Modelling

3d (9320) posters (2328) rendering (1062) cg (843) computer graphics (381) 3d-graphics (144) raytracing (37) 3d-grafics (3) rendering technics (1) computer grafics (1)

Links to f-lohmueller.de (1)