extralevelofindirection.com - Level of Indirection

Description: 'All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection ... except for the problem of too many levels of indirection'

c++ (3622) swift (719) objective-c (204) phil nash (7) levelofindirection (3)

Example domain paragraphs

- David Wheeler

The title might read a little like click-bait, and there are certainly some nuances and qualifications here. But, hey! That's what the article is for.

Those that know me know that I have been a practitioner of, and advocate for, TDD in C++ for many years. I originally introduced Catch in an attempt to make that easier. I've given many talks that touch on the subject, as well as giving coaching and consultancy. For the last year I've added to that with a workshop class that I have given at several conferences - in both one-day and two-day forms (at CppCon you can do either!)