excitingelectrons.com - Relion Industries Home

Description: RELION Industries is the maker of cathodoluminescnece instrumentation, including the RELIOTRON. RELION also services and offers spare parts for other CL instruments, and sells the definitive textbook Cathodoluminescence of Geological Materials by Dr. Donald Marshall.

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Electrons rush in Cathodoluminescence And the glow begins

RELION Industries, LLC, is located in Bedford, MA, USA, which is just outside the city of Boston. The principal, Dr. Donald J. Marshall, has been associated with cathodoluminescence instrumentation and with the applications of CL in geology, archaeology, ceramics and glass industry, and phosphor research for many years.

RELION offers new CL instrumentation — the RELIOTRON — and also can provide servicing and spare parts for the CL instruments provided by most other manufacturers.

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