- exchange – PACE

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Menu Who Are PACE? Why Are We Doing This? The Vision Location How Can I Help? Share Your Support Return to Main Site How can I Help? We can't do this without you. A new community theatre in Paisley for children, young people and families, by A new community theatre in Paisley for children, young people and families, by a place for young people theatre productions for children, young people and families a place for creative learning expanded programme of participation for ages 0-25 of all backgrounds and abi

Why are we doing this?

More young people in theatres: watching, participating, creating, learning, volunteering, working and leading Increase access by young people from all backgrounds and address cultural inequalities A community resource for young people and families Promote Renfrewshire as a major hub for children and young people's theatre Develop young emerging artists in Renfrewshire Bring more people to Paisley as cultural visitor destination a place to help regeneration boosting the local economy by increasing visitors t