ex-cell.org.uk - Ex-Cell Solutions - opportunity to work together

Description: Ex-Cell Solutions, is an opportunity to work together for a future away from past crimes through a programme of support and direct employment services.

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Ex-Cell Solutions is an organisation that develops services to support people who have been out of work long term to find employment in a co-operative workplace where work is secure. For ex-prisoners, Ex-Cell Solutions, is an opportunity to work together for a future away from past crimes through a programme of support and direct employment services including employment and training, sustainable accommodation and support with overcoming drug, alcohol or mental health issues. Ex-Cell Solutions also provides

Ex-Cell Solutions has achieved phenomenal results with their clients. Ex-offender John, with a criminal history over fourteen years, has become Director of Recycle-IT, a successful cooperative. John left home at 16 years of age. What followed was a life of crime for fourteen years. Following a work placement and support from Ex-Cell, he is now the Director of Recycle-IT, a successful cooperative. John is now happily married with five children.

John was having difficulties at home, particularly with his step-father. This led him to leaving the family home. He was soon committing petty criminal offences and began having problems with alcohol. Over the next fourteen years John was convicted of twenty-nine criminal offences and served 7 prison sentences.