evolutionoftrust.com - Erik Schoppen - Trust Expert & International Topspeaker about Trust and bestseller author

Description: Erik Schoppen - De meest gevraagde spreker op het gebied van vertrouwen in de Benelux. Hij is merkexpert, neurowetenschapper en gedragsonderzoeker, en spreker en auteur op het gebied van duurzaam merkleiderschap, -vertrouwen, -management, -reputatie en –innovatie. Duurzame positieve impact op mens, mark, maatschappij en milieu. Build-Bridge-Bond methodiek om duurzame missiegedreven merken, merkvertrouwen en sterke merkrelaties te bouwen. Brands, Brains & Behavior

phd (837) duurzaam (680) erik (197) leiderschap (155) merken (155) merk (117) schoppen (13) merkenmanagement (3) merkvertrouwen (2)

Example domain paragraphs

What is trust (leadership) exactly? How does trust works in our brain? And which biological mechanisms of trust evolutionary emerged and how to use this in cooperation?

Discover how trust works in our brain. What are the functions of trust? Which ancient evolutionary mechanisms are behind trust, and how can you influence these? How does our brain distinguish biological and digital trust?

This keynote focuses on how to restore our social, organisational, technological and societal trust systems. Trust is essential for change, social cohesion and leadership. For example, we need trust in sustainability to solve the climate crisis.

Links to evolutionoftrust.com (3)