everemergingmag.com - Ever Emerging Mag

Description: Sexual health is an integral part of overall well-being, yet it is often shrouded in silence or discomfort. Numerous factors, ranging from physical health to…

art magazine (45) female artists (29) call for entries (20) call for art (14) art opportunities (4) call for female artists call for women artists ever emerging mag ever emerging magazine marguerite nolan

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 Platform and magazine, presenting and celebrating women artists over 45 years old.

Ever Emerging Mag is a non-profit platform that presents senior femxle artists, who work in any type of medium. Ever Emerging, is born out of the desire to support women in creative industries, as well as the idea that emergence is an ever- evolving concept, that is not always related to age or (measurable) youthfulness.

Historically, the art world has been and still is, a male-dominated industry where men are overrepresented in museums, positions of power, teaching jobs, galleries and exposure in general - Despite women holding the majority of art-degrees in many countries. Though the art world is carefully becoming more feminist, we aren't "there" yet. Needless to say, the female artists who are currently 45+, likely haven't benefited yet from this movement towards equality in their industry. There is still a deep need fo

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