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Whenever I create a VM, whether it be within Unraid or otherwise, inevitably I create it with a disk that is too small for its intended purpose. Often, I will create it to test things out, like AMD Passthrough in Unraid , with only a small enough disk to do the testing I need to. However, these experiments, once functional often grow into something that you wish to use for other purposes. Once that happens, the 40G virtual disk you created to just hold Windows, drivers, etc. becomes drastically too small. L

There are two basic phases of expanding a disk in Unraid + Windows. First we’ll tackle the Unraid portion, which is pretty simple. Then we’ll handle the Windows portion, since it requires you to move the recovery partition it includes, which requires a quick explanation.

Recently, I tried my iRacing / NAS rig in VR with an Oculus Quest 2 that a friend of mine brought over. However, after fiddling with some settings to make it not look like crap, it seems like either the CPU ( hopefully fixed here ) or the current 1080Ti is holding it back. Though I would love to upgrade to a 30-series Ampere GPU, the new Navi AMD GPUs are actually better at traditional rasterization workloads (at least per dollar). Given the 1080Ti’s performance, it’s actually quite difficult to beat it on