- EUROCORR 2021 | 20-24 September 2021, Online

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20-24 September 2021

We wish to inform you that due to the ongoing pandemic situation, the local organisers of EUROCORR 2021, together with EFC, have decided to transform the upcoming annual conference into a virtual event. In order to enable the authors to agree to their virtual participation and/or to submit further abstracts for a virtual conference , it was decided to postpone the deadline for poster and lecture contributions to 31st March 2021. Consequently, the review process, paper selection meeting, and authors notifica

We hope that in the not too distant future, when the epidemiological situation allows it, you all will have the opportunity to visit our beautiful capital, Budapest. Budapest is full of surprises and wonder, with its lively center, pretty parks, majestic river, tall church spires and lavish spas. One of the most exciting cities in the world, Budapest is full of secrets, hidden spots to explore and old favorites to revisit. We wish you all to experience also the legendary Hungarian hospitality once you have