- European Network for Education and Training – EUNET e.V. | 73 members in 24 countries for 1 Europe

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The European Commission has prepared draft directives on digital markets (DMA) and digital services (DSA). The European Parliament is seeking to refine the proposed rules. The Council of Ministers will clarify the need for regulation from the member states’ perspective in the coming months.

While the idea of a necessary regulation is hardly controversial, its aims remain open to discussion: will it form a tight corset in which companies can only move in the specified way – or will it merely be a safeguard that only slightly corrects the existing development. Will Google have the freedom to tailor advertising to the user who visits its search engine; will Facebook be able to merge its data with that of WhatsApp; will Amazon be able to take over the products with the best results on its third-pa

Another question to be answered is whether the regulation should only affect the very large US platforms or also many other European portals. European governments may prefer to protect European companies by limiting regulation to a limited set of platforms.