- Ethnos360 Training - Ethnos360

Description: Ethnos360's training program will equip you to be a part of the team prepared to meet the challenges of planting churches among unreached people groups in remote locations.

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You'll be equipped to serve in career ministry with Ethnos360 as a cross-cultural church planter or in a role supporting church planting. Your instructors are experienced missionaries who are passionate about teaching you field-proven methods that are constantly updated to remain effective and relevant. They want you to be able to give God your best.

And since biblical ministry is about relationships and making disciples, they'll model that, pouring their lives into yours. You'll get opportunities to practice it yourself in teaching opportunities, small group interaction, team projects and ministry outreaches so that you are ready to share not just life, but abundant life.

Prerequisite:  Minimum two years of Bible training or the equivalent.  Ethnos360 Bible Institute  exists to provide this, but the requirement also may be met by Seminary or Bible College courses.