- Evan Terry Associates LLC - Welcome

architecture (13145) architectural services (201) ada compliance (66) evan terry associates (9) americans with disabilities act (ada) (9) americans with disabilities act (ada)

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EVAN TERRY ASSOCIATES, LLC  is a firm dedicated to providing our clients with highly professional architectural services. Our reputation, built over the last 62 years, is one of excellent service, quality design and commitment to our client's interest. Our goal of providing this high quality service is achieved with a staff of 26 including 7 registered architects, 3 intern architects, and 7 access compliance specialists. Our design philosophy, based on a client-oriented approach, is to create solutions whic

EVAN TERRY ASSOCIATES, LLC has recently developed and launched the Comprehensive Online Resource for the Americans with Disabilities Act, or CORADA , for the purpose of helping people to identify, understand, and meet their obligations under the ADA and other access requirements. Corada offers a massive online database that connects ADA requirements and official technical assistance materials developed by the Department of Justice, the Department of Transportation, and the Access Board, to other relevant in