- Dr. Estella -WellBeing Services

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“I live by the ritual of starting my day and not letting it start me, and I practice this by including devotion, meditation, and prayer into my daily routine. Knowledge of yourself is the only way to realize success in all aspects of your Mind, Body, and Spirit. This emotional intelligence is gained by spending time with you and a higher power bigger than yourself. Join me in this meditation journey of finding yourself unleashing the Love God wants us to give to ourselves and others.” ~ Dr. Chavous

Meditation is a big part of wellbeing, offering mental and physical benefits. As I work with individuals, companies, and groups it overwhelms me to see how the practice supports and empowers a community of happy, healthy people. If you are looking for a more productive and happier workplace and life, write me at the link below for an information session. Write to: [email protected]

Do you know where you are in your journey to mind health?