- Edith-Stein-Schule Darmstadt – Eine weitere WordPress-Website

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Exchange Brescia – Darmstadt (23.03.19 -29.03.19) On Saturday 23rd March 2019, with two hours delay, we arrived in Brescia where we were greeted by our lovely host families. The following Sunday was also spent with the families, where some of us were in Verona and others went to Venice. On Monday morning we all went…

The day has finally come – no, finally is really not the right term here, finally would mean that we were happy to leave but it was the opposite. we thought of ways of how to prolongue our time at Bishop Diego but our teachers could not be convinced 😉 We started the day at…

On the 5th day here in Santa Barbara we slowly got used to the time difference and the jetlag was no longer present. However we felt tired since we needed to wake up early to get to school on time. As always we could expect a warmhearted welcome and we weren‘t disappointed as we were…

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