- Espisa AG – Schweizer Kunststoffwerk - Espisa AG – Schweizer Kunststoffwerk

Description: Die Espisa AG stellt Kunststoffteile für professionelle Grossgeräte im Kunststoff-Spritzgiessverfahren her. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne!

schweiz (8097) thermo (106) tsg (84) spritzgiessen (20) spritzgiessverfahren (3) espisa (2) kunstoffwerk (2) kunfstoff (2) 1k-spritzgiessen (2) 2k-spritzgiessen (2)

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What do we do exactly?

We like to be involved with product development from the very beginning. Our dedicated team can happily advise you on the best materials, technology, and production processes that will bring your project to life. Approximately 80% of the product costs are already defined in the project phase, meaning that project participants must be communicative and open with each other. We have a wealth of experience, and we are thus able to assist customers with:

Espisa AG has been a plastic processor for many decades, developing a wealth of specialist knowledge in various relevant industries. Talk to us; we know how to help you!