
Description: Languages, platforms, and systems that break from the norms of computing

Example domain paragraphs

Perhaps best known for their esoteric livecoding language ORCΛ, 100 Rabbits (Rekka and Devine) have a creative practice that seamlessly crosses from the esoteric to the practical. Living on a boat and relying primarily on solar energy, they create their own tools to avoid the impracticalities and wastefulness of commercial software. Their work has a rare coherence of thought and design that bridges art, code, and life. (Interview)

As the creator of languages like Underload, and an administrator of the wiki, ais523 talks through what makes esolangs interesting and challenging vs thematic and gimmicky. (Interview)

In this second interview with ais523, we discuss his experiments at finding 'the essence of programming,' using analog computing, extreme minimalism, and a deletionist model of computation (Interview)