- ESOP 11th Masterclass in Oncology Pharmacy | 22-26 May 2017 LISBON/PORTUGAL

Description: 22-26 May 2017 LISBON/PORTUGAL

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The European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP) in cooperation with the Associação Portuguesa de Farmacêuticos Hospitalares (APFH) offers the 11 th Masterclass in Oncology Pharmacy. The event will be held in Lisbon/ Portugal from 22 nd to 26 th May 2017.

The Masterclass offers fundamental and advanced knowledge to pharmacists working in the field of oncology, both for their pharmacy preparatory work and for providing adequate care and support to cancer patients. We would like to take this opportunity to  meet colleagues from around the world, to network in a convivial setting and forge new links for future collaboration. Speakers and participants should make time to discover the wonderful city that is Lisbon with its wealth of historical landscape &  roads.

We trust that you will return from the MC Lisbon 2017 inspired by colleagues from around the world and that you will have made new friends and scientific contacts that will support you in your essential work.