- eSOL - イーソル株式会社

Description: イーソルは、革新的なコンピュータ技術により安全で優れたコネクテッド社会の実現を目指す組込み・エッジコンピューティング分野のリーディングカンパニーです。

ide (381) esol (104) rtos (60) engineering service (30) embedded software development (25) real-time operating system (9) embedded system development (7) esol europe (2) integrated development tool (2) eclipse-based development tool (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The world's first commercial real-time operating system that supports heterogeneous multi-core and many-core architectures.It offers the highest performance and scalability as well as the safety capabilities essential to today's critical embedded systems.

eSOL joins SOAFEE special interest group to improve software development for vehicles

New Software-Factory-Ready eMCOS® SDK by eSOL

Links to (6)