- About | ESIdence

Description: The ESIdence Blog was created to foster discussion and share perspective on the challenges created when electronically-stored information becomes potential evidence. Recognizing the gaps between the skills needed to manage a large and complex ESI corpus and those required of legal representation of its owners, we seek to enable efforts to bridge two very different…

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The ESIdence Blog was created to foster discussion and share perspective on the challenges created when electronically-stored information becomes potential evidence. Recognizing the gaps between the skills needed to manage a large and complex ESI corpus and those required of legal representation of its owners, we seek to enable efforts to bridge two very different professions at the collision point – when litigation becomes a reasonable expectation. Whether through our own experience, or by sharing the crea

It is our view that spirited and urgent development of complementary professional skills on the part of both legal and technology professionals is essential to meet the needs of our system of justice in the explosively complex electronic society where disputes originate and evidence is often a collection of subatomic particles. We welcome valid points of view, especially those which can help us improve our own perspective as we expand from the realm of practitioners into the blogosphere.

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