- ESA CCI Sea Ice website

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The CCI Sea Ice project was completed on 31 July 2018, when the last deliverables were finalized and submitted to ESA. A set of climate data records for sea ice concentration and sea ice thickness have been produced and delivered to the CCI Data Portal. Round-Robin data sets, algorithms, and processing systems have been developed and made operational. The work performed by all the project partners has resulted in a number of scientific publications. All deliverables are available under “Resources-> Document

Version 2.0 of the sea-ice thickness dataset was released on 20 June 2018 by AWI. This dataset includes observations, made by the two radar altimeter missions, Envisat and CryoSat-2, for both Arctic and Antarctic from October 2002 to April 2017. This dataset, in comparison to the previous dataset (v1.0), provides a number of improvements which include improved sea-ice thickness retrievals from Envisat data, an experimental data record in the southern hemisphere, the delivery of trajectory-based Level 2 prod

Version 2.0 of the Sea Ice Concentration (SIC) Climate Data Record data sets from AMSR-E and AMSR2 (2002-2017) were released on 28 February 2018. The SIC Climate Data Record data set from SMMR, SSMI and SSMIS (1979 – 2015) have previously been released. The data sets are available at and in the CCI Data Portal

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