- Eric Hutton RMT, Registered Massage Therapist, Vernon B.C. - Oil-free myofascial release therapy - Little Blue House Registered

Description: Massage therapy in Vernon, B.C. Eric Hutton RMT practices out of the Little Blue House Registered Massage Therapy clinic located in downtown Vernon offering a full range of therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment options to help patients recover from injuries and physical discomforts. Serving Vernon and the North Okanagan with effective & safe healthcare

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Treatment Style Eric loves fascia and has a therapeutic approach to massage therapy using a multitude of oil-free myofascial release techniques. Myofascial release is a safe and effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the layers of myofascial connective tissue helping to remove restrictions to reduce pain and restore motion. These restrictions can be caused by many things including trauma, inflammatory responses, muscle imbalances, and/or surgical procedures and ca

Myofascial release techniques can help to increase tissue flexibility and joint mobility by breaking down adhesions between the tissues and softening and re-aligning the fibres (especially with scars). This helps to free up muscles and joints allowing for easier and more effective movement. Reduction of pain, reduced areas of muscle tension and improved flexibility and posture are all common benefits.

While this type of treatment can reach deep structures in the body, Eric strives for his techniques to be as pain free as possible. Thus helping the body unwind and promoting the parasympathetic nervous system to aid in overall relaxation. Eric also uses a variety of techniques including joint play & mobilization , trigger point therapy , muscle energy (using a muscle's own energy in the form of gentle isometric contractions to relax the muscles) and PNF stretching (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation