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This book is a simple collection of the most entertaining and unbelievable things that some of my students have said.   I have been teaching various classes of the Biological Sciences at the High School level for 16 years.   At the time I began writing the book, I was in the middle of my sixth year of teaching.   I originally was going to title the book There IS Such A Thing As A Stupid Question .   The reason for that title was that in the majority of my college education courses, I heard over and over aga

Often people will ask me how I got the idea to start writing down what the students would say.   I have talked to many educators, well on into their career, who would always say that if they only would’ve written down what they have heard over the years they would have a book as well.   This is how it happened.     I used to shoot in an indoor archery league with my wife.   We shot every Friday evening.   Of course part of the fun was to spend time catching up with our friends.   We would get there to the s

As time went on and I would hear quotes that I deemed “book worthy”, I would jot them down on a legal pad.   Some of these quotes are aided in their humor by what I had to say in response, so I have included a few of those as well.   Of course my students knew about “Grippa’s book of stupid sayings”, and would frequently ask to hear a few or could read them themselves.   I usually would keep my notes hidden and tell the students that if I let them see the book, it would ruin the surprise, and I would contin