- Eric

Example domain paragraphs

Developing on one machine and running on another is a tedious process but sometimes you need to when a library has different features for ARM vs x64 and the then there is always the Windows vs Linux issues. This was the issue I had when I was working on a Raspberry Pi project using Python, I got everything working on Windows and then copied it over to the Pi thinking the libraries would work the same between the two but they didn’t.

When I moved from SmartThings to Home Assistant one of the features I lost was the Life360 integration so I decided to try and create an addon instead of moving to something like OwnTracks . I have been using Life360 for years and I have had a great experience with them in the past so I wanted to at least try to integrate it into Home Assistant. Since then I have heard that a few of the location tracking platforms in Home Assistant aren’t 100% reliable so I am glad I went this route. Again, I have no experi

When it comes to managing a smart home I like to have everything in one places and up until a few weeks ago, I did that using SmartThings . Recently I found out I needed to spend $100 to get the new hub to allow for some new features I wanted so I started looking at alternatives. Somehow I ran across Bruh Automation’s videos on YouTube where he talks about Home Assistant and it seemed like a good platform so I took one of my spare Raspberry Pi’s and threw it on there and I was sold on it!