- Earth Day: Climate Action

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Climate Change is the defining issue of our time. The effects of climate change have already begun to change our world dramatically, as can be seen in this NASA compilation of before and after images from around the world. The cost is immense, and growing rapidly: In 2012 alone, extreme weather events cost US taxpayers $100 Billion — more than we spent on education or transportation! Political instability has increased around the world as extreme drought dries up the Middle East and Africa. The civil war in

Let’s turn this Earth Day, April 22, into a day of education and action on Climate Change. Join Organizing for Action Michigan , Clean Water Action , and Ann Arbor 350 to hold coordinated events around the country on Earth Day and the weekend leading up to it – rallies, educational forums, house parties, you name it! It’s not hard. We are preparing materials to guide organizers through the nuts and bolts of finding a venue, inviting speakers, and generating publicity. Invite climate researchers from local u

Setting up an educational event or rally is not that difficult to do. Finding speakers is generally easy: Climate scientists are by and large anxious to reach out to the public, and Climate Reality Project presenters have been trained to speak on climate change. If that doesn't pan out, you'll find a PowerPoint on this site that can be used as the basis of your own presentation. Finding a venue is also not too challenging: libraries, churches, and colleges often have free or low-cost rooms available. The bi