- Eric Zwierzynski — UX Designer, Wordpress Developer, Unicorn

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I am a UX designer. I design award winning websites, which I develop in Wordpress.

Call it a DIY punk mentality, but my passion for design forced me to build my own websites. This development of the engineering mindset has given me insights into designing with web best-practices in mind. The same vision required to develop a corporate identity that will translate an aesthetic across business collateral of all kinds can be used to create meaningful user experiences with technology. Rather than diluting my core strengths, each of these skills informs a confidence of purpose for each decisio

I've had the pleasure of working with dozens of companies and causes to articulate their identity and offerings to their target market. A fruitful partnership with The Humanities Institute at UC Santa Cruz resulted in a stunningly digital identity and an award-winning website. Bending the Arc was a documentary that provided more than enough inspiration, telling the story of the health-care visionaries who would be influential in combatting disease in the third world and head of the World Bank. In 2015 I wor