equipoise.pw - Equipoise for Sale – Equipoise for Horses

Description: Equipoise for sale very good affects on the human body (cutting cycle). Equipoise for horses can be found only among the steroid of veterinary medicine.

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Example domain paragraphs

Antiviral agent. Specifically inhibits influenza viruses A and B, coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).According to the mechanism of the antiviral action relates to fusion inhibitors (fusion), interacts with hemagglutinin of the virus and prevent fusion of the lipid envelope of the virus and cell membranes. It provides moderate immunomodulatory effects. Interferon has activity stimulates humoral and cellular immune responses, phagocytic function of macrophages, increases resi

Pharmacokinetics . Rapidly absorbed and distributed to organs and tissues. The maximum plasma concentration at admission in a dose of 50 mg is achieved in 1.2 hours, in a dose of 100 mg – 1.5 hours is metabolized in the liver.. The half-life is 17 – 21 hours, about 40% is excreted in unchanged form, mostly in the bile (38.9%) and traces of the kidneys (0.12%).. During the first day shows 90% of the administered dose.

Prevention and treatment in adults and children: – influenza A and B, SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (including complicated by bronchitis, pneumonia); – secondary immunodeficiency states; – complex therapy of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and recurrent herpetic infection. Prevention of postoperative infectious complications and the normalization of immune status. Combined therapy of acute intestinal infection rotavirus etiology in children older than 3 years.

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