equationwizard.com - Equation Wizard - algebraic equation solver

Description: Equation Wizard automatically solves algebraic equations of any order written in any form

roots (654) linear (159) solve (136) equation (74) cubic (37) algebraic (17) quadratic (9) math problem (5)

Example domain paragraphs

We are all used to making calculations on a calculator. It seems quite natural to let an electronic device do this job. But besides simple arithmetical calculations, there are more intellectual tasks. One of them is solving algebraic equations .

If you study at university or school, you have to deal with this task quite often. We highly value your abilities and are sure that you can solve any equation yourself, but is it worth spending time on it? Do you think that there is no other way than solving them manually? Then we are proud to present you the first calculator for the completely automatic solving of math equations !

You probably looked for such programs already and were disappointed by their quality (ex. online quadratic equation calculators). If this is the case, let me tell you about great features of our equation solver - Equation Wizard .

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