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Tesla Inc’s new vehicle-assembly system, which created instant buzz when it was unveiled in March, ignited a debate among auto manufacturing experts on whether CEO Elon Musk’s so-called unboxed process is radical, revisionist or derivative – or all of the above. Musk believes the company needs to radically rethink conventional manufacturing methods in order to […]

The government has also decided to utilise the non-functional and under-utilised government infrastructure facilities like the Mining and Allied Machinery Corporation (MAMC), Jessops under the ‘Make in India’ initiative. CHENNAI : In a boost to domestic manufacturing of earth-moving equipment used in mines, Coal India Ltd has decided to phase out imports over a period […]

As the environmental and financial costs of gas and oil boilers escalate, electric heat pumps have emerged as a promising eco-friendly heating solution – but they only go so far We must integrate heat pumps with renewable energy sources and energy storage technology, creating a smart, adaptable and sustainable home energy system. This shift hinges […]

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