epilepsysolution.com - 衢州颓讶实业投资有限公司

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Physicians have documented the efficacy of artisanal whole plant cannabis preparations for seizure reduction. In a study of 272 patients, 86% had some degree of seizure reduction while using artisanal cannabis. A combination of cannabinoids and terpenes – not just CBD – may be most effective for seizures. These clinical findings challenge Big Pharma assumptions that favor single-molecule medications.

Working in federally regulated industry Industry and college trained Building and designing Contributing to society Raising my family Paying my bills Government takes my job Suffocates me due to my disability Epilepsy Federal contracts Kill my income Federal laws ruin lives Federal laws do not heal Cannabis heals

I suffered a head Injury and I was in a coma for 10 days, in the hospital for 42 days, and then months of therapy. Once out of the comatose state, doctors informed me, I have epilepsy. Well, what does one do once they are informed of having epilepsy? My mind does not feel any […]