epicureanshoppe.com - Epicurean Shoppe

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This is the placeholder page for any and all Epicurean Shoppe developments, including D.I.Y. projects and modifications. Epicurean Shoppe is my own brand dedicated to producing high quality audio electronics and hand-built effects pedals at an affordable pricepoint. No elitism, no discrimination, no compromise.

Since 2016, I have been using the " Epicurean Shoppe " brand name on the effects pedals I've built, DIY effects pedal projects, along with guitar amplifier restoration and servicing. Thus, the be-all and end-all purpose of " Epicurean Shoppe " is definitely a mixed bag.

In addition to my own equipment, I build pedals for Electronic Audio Experiments with my good friend John, who in my honest opinion is designing some of the greatest original effects pedals on the market right now.

Links to epicureanshoppe.com (2)