epicrehab.com.au - Epic Rehab – Rehabilitation & Disability Services

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Upper Limb & Cognitive Rehabilitation Clinic Click Here To Book a Free 30min Clinic Visit Call today to find out about group and individual sessions   ph. (02)  8038 6648  Constraint Induced Movement Therapy - CIMT CIMT is an intensive upper limb therapy that has a strong research base and recommended in the Stroke Guidelines; it is commonly regarded as the gold standard treatment. For this program, we "constrain" your working hand. You need to be able to commit to 2 weeks of daily therapy for 3.5 hours per

By picking meaningful tasks you do everyday at home and in the community, such as using a fork, lifting and drinking from a mug, brushing your hair, dialling your phone, your therapist will break it down into specific movements and work with you on the ones that you have difficulty with. It may not be the most exciting rehab activity but being able to accomplish these everyday tasks helps recovery and builds your confidence which is why we try to include some task specific training in all our programs. 

Surface Electromyography training (sEMG) involves placing electrodes on your affected arm which, when activated by your efforts, move your muscles into the chosen position. This can help to train your muscles on how to strengthen the targeted movement.

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