entosense.com - Entosense, Inc. | Entomophagy for a Healthy Future

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Join us in our mission to make edible insects part of the daily diet of North Americans

Edible Insects as a serious food source has been gaining acceptance across the United States, Canada and Europe in recent years. In today’s increased environmental and health conscious world, edible insects make sense to a lot of people. This trend will not slow down as our planet struggles to adapt to a 50% to 80% increase in food demand in less than 50 years. Food insecurity is a major cause of strife and war. For the benefit of our children, we need solutions to our unsustainable livestock production sys

Insects as a nutritional food source have been generally ignored by much of North America (Bravo Mexico!). Yet, many edible insects have more protein than beef or salmon and include all nine essential amino acids. Edible insects are packed with very bio-available vitamins and minerals. Many have more iron than spinach and more calcium than milk and include substantial quantities of B12 and Omega 3. They are prebiotic fiber which are nutrients for probiotics. Adding edible insects to our diet makes sense.

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