enlazateporlajusticia.org - Connect Yourself for Justice

Description: Iniciativa que agrupa a cinco entidades de la Iglesia católica en España, dedicadas a la cooperación internacional: Cáritas Española, CONFER, Justicia y Paz, Manos Unidas y REDES (Red de Entidades para el Desarrollo Solidario).

laudato si (16) connect yourself for justica (1) if you take care of the planet (1) you figth poverty (1)

Example domain paragraphs

In Connect yourself for Justice we have the shared interest of carrying out campaigns in common and we have seen a deep connection between the encyclical letter  Laudato Si' , by Pope Francis, and the work we do in the field of development cooperation. For that reason, we have finally chosen the campaign "If you take care of the planet, you fight poverty" , which has encouraged us to work together between 2016 and 2021.


Links to enlazateporlajusticia.org (14)